Today's Hours: Monday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

For life-threatening emergencies such as active chest pain, please call 911.

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Veronica Leahy is a Diabetes Care and Prevention Coordinator for Tulalip Health System
  • NameVeronica Leahy

Veronica Leahy, Diabetes Care and Prevention Coordinator

Serves as our diabetes special diabetes program for Indians (sdpi) grant coordinator, and certified diabetes community education specialist (DCES). She has worked for Tulalip Tribes for the past 15 years in the diabetes program to provide support for our team approach to diabetes care and management. She provides a variety of diabetes prevention outreach activities, classes, day camps, field trips in collaboration with a variety of tribal departments. As a WSU master gardener, she manages our health clinic vegetable, berry and medicinal gardens and other local farm activities.